One Day Service Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Effective Treatments With Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms, And Effective Treatments With Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

Tendonitis Uncovered: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options with Dr. Phinit Phisitkul

So, you’ve got that nagging pain in your wrist, elbow, or knee that just won’t quit. Welcome to the wonderful world of tendonitis! Dr. Phinit Phisitkul, who’s seen more sore tendons than he cares to count, would describe tendonitis as your body’s way of saying, “Hey, maybe take it easy for once?” Tendonitis occurs when the tendons—the tough cords that connect your muscles to your bones—get inflamed, usually from overuse. It’s like your tendons are staging a protest because you’ve pushed them too hard, and now they’re demanding a break.

Why Are My Tendons Rebelling?

Wondering why your tendons have decided to go on strike? Dr. Phinit Phisitkul points out that tendonitis is often caused by repetitive motions, whether it’s from typing away at your computer, swinging a tennis racket like a pro, or lifting weights that are a bit too ambitious. The symptoms? Think of sharp pain, tenderness, and swelling that make even simple tasks feel like a Herculean effort. Your tendons are basically screaming, “Enough already!” and it’s time to listen before things get worse.

How To Get Those Tendons Back In Line

So, how do you convince your tendons to calm down? Dr. Phinit Phisitkul suggests starting with the basics: rest and ice are your new best friends. Applying ice can reduce inflammation, and giving those tendons a break will help them heal.

If the pain persists, physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications can work wonders. In more severe cases, you might need a cortisone injection to quiet the rebellion. The key is not to ignore the pain—because let’s face it, tendons have a way of getting the last word if you’re not careful. With the right treatment, you’ll be back in action in no time, without your tendons throwing a fit.

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